
Showing posts from March, 2018

My blog

Is a little popular. I know, right? People are reading how Meg Stanley mailed me fabricated law enforcement titles for Steven Rand. And threatened I'd be stabbed to death in that fake federal report she mailed to me.

Wonder how many

Gun & drug charge cases Kimberly Schoen has defended.

Been a year since I walked out that courtroom

Like it happened yesterday. I have videos of me on Facebook live, crying. Now here I am.

Catch 22

Steven Rand's ID puts everyone in prison. If he testifies, he'll be testifying on my behalf, against the prosecution, judges, probation department, my 6 former public defenders, etc That's all I asked for. Steven Rand's ID. So, I'm good. I got Meg's emails

Judge McGrumpy

His face got all twisted like he knew me.  Two of the State 's top attorneys NO MORE

Someone is

Taking my stuff and posting it elsewhere.  I know, right? Meg's Emails are becoming famous. No matter what,  I will not be a good little victim.  Criminals confessed

Deputy AG Ann Rice

Looks like a dude. What were we discussing in this email? We were discussing the information that gets included in the report on Nina Obukhov's murder

I would have been fine

Had I not got that letter.  I'm not stupid.  I'm not going to be treated like I am.  I'm not going to be told that Skank Meg got to set me up for the scumbag who attacked me


I have informed the court about the Suffolk County DAs Office's Fabricated Evidence. On record. Twice I was asked why Attorney Bruce Carroll withdrew. He allegedly one of the top 2 Attorneys in Mass. He withdrew because he refused to expose Attorney Meg Stanley for the crime she committed while pretending to represent me. Twice it goes unaddressed. They get to move forward, in spite of. I hope I get the same douche Judge. So I can tell him, when the FBI do their jobs, he reserved himself a nice room in a federal prison. Give me an attitude after they did this to me? He's going to prison. He can send me to jail for contempt. Then I'll get him on Retaliation. I told him Bruce Carroll refused to address the Fabricated info Meg Stanley MAILED ME

I'm a difficult client but no mention of..

Attorney Bob Solomon attempted to conceal what's on the audio they're claiming is "Wiretapping." Bob Solomon wanted me found crazy Because I talked about the murders. It's why I was charged with Wiretapping. I turned over evidence connected to at least 6 murders. Then I was attacked. When I was attacked a second time, I made sure everyone knows who did it. Judge can be a bitch all he wants. He's not smart enough. By all means, tell him I said so. I got Meg Stanley's emails. I'm good. My name is Audra TOOP.

I'm a difficult client?

So, translation....I'm not being a good little VICTIM. So, I have to let it slide. Let them commit these crimes against me. While the FBI & Andover Police do nothing. Andover Police have my statements. So, when we badger me in court and continue to make false accusations against me, I gave statements and evidence to Andover Police. My docket is evidence connected to the murMurd of John & Geraldine Magee. How many times have I mentioned Penfest & Carroll? Very little. They withdrew. They didn't break my balls. I have nothing bad to say about them. I did like the added touch. The ADA stood up holding a file this time. Shows how much attention the criminals pay to me. This time, one stood up hopdihoa file. Hahahaha, hilarious

I'll wait

Because I'm getting a sense everyone just want me to go away. Fine.  But I was STILL FALSELY ARRESTED FOR SOME MUTT MEG MAILED ME FABRICATED TITLES FOR. One document including a title he said he didn't even have. But whatever.  It is what it is.

What I am wondering though...

Since I have Meg's emails, why I've been forced to suffer for the past 6 months.  Why am I still being forced to deal with this crime being committed against me? While the FBI have that info on Steven Rand.  The mutt Meg said the Suffolk County DAs office fabricated titles for? Where is the justice in this? Attacking a witness? For going forward with evidence?  My evidence is SOLID. 

For now...

I'm going to let Meg's emails go. Do I think her intent was to hurt me? Yeah.  Do I believe she was involved in those murders and that's why she did it? No.  Solomon has something to hide though.  Maybe she'll turn her life around and not hurt people.  Maybe some community service or something.  Do something good for someone. 

I'm a fairly nice person

I'm not out to get anyone.  Do I want Meg Stanley to go to prison? Sure I do.  But I would probably feel really bad. However,  I can guarantee she's going there.  No matter what happens to me. Keep going.  So will I.  Think some judge making rude biased comments is going to prevent me from having Meg sent to prison? Nope. Think having me evaluated & labeled will do the trick? Nope. I have Meg's emails. I'm good.  I'm not even bringing them up anymore.  Done.  Let's see how things go.  I won't mention them anymore. 


Steven realizes I'm a very nice person and under different circumstances,  we would probably have liked each other. I'm not out to get him.  I'm really not.  But he's been out to get me.  Which he now realizes is a HUGE mistake. I'm not out to get Meg or the short bald woman,  PO Jon Izzo.  They're irrelevant.  But keep doing this to me,  her email guarantees her a nice home in a federal prison.  She's young.  She seemed nice.  I understand sometimes good people do bad things.  Sometimes.  They don't keep doing it.  I'm not even trying to pursue anything against her.  But if I'm going to be continuously attacked,  I'll guarantee she goes to prison. Does she deserve it?  Probably. But I'm not out to get her.  I can let it go.  But she can't do this to people. Ever.  Again.

No Competency evaluation

Because the maggot who requested it wasn't even representing me.  He just pretended.  Haven't had representation in 2 months

So sick and tired

Criminals think they come at me like this is somehow going to make it all legal? Never going to happen. Meg Stanley is going to prison. She chose to mail me those fabricated titles, she needs to own it. I'm being prosecuted by a bunch of scumbag criminals. She's going to prison. Can't undo what's been done to me. Keep coming at me. Meg Stanley's emails guarantee she's going to prison.

Docket 1601CR6216 is evidence connected to a double murder

Charges against me for wiretapping my attacker is turning out to be a confession to the murders of John & Geraldine Magee. I tried to break it all down by events. This is one of the statements I gave. One of the statements i gave Andover Police in reference to the murders of John and Geraldine Magee

Court Ordered Evaluation by the Court's psychologist

Since I had no attorney representing me, it was very unclear to me why Attorney Bob Solomon felt I needed to be evaluated. Was it the fact I've had 6 Attorneys refuse to produce the summons, etc. Is that rule 6? I forget. I'm feeling pretty crappy today. Because if it's due to having 6 Attorneys, Meg's emails clear that end right up. Or was it to conceal what's on the video that's the object of these wiretapping charges? Either way, I'm being denied the right to report the crimes committed against me

I wasn't out to get anyone.

Only thing I was trying to do was report criminal activity. I never believed these people in these positions were so vile. I looked for pictures of the Magees with their children & grandchildren. I never found any. But that means nothing, I guess. Considering what happened, and not knowing who hurt them, that's a legit reason to not have photos. But then again, with technology nowadays, everyone is posting pics. What can I really do? Nothing. I mean, everyone is pretty stupid.  Don't actually have to do anything to have anyone arrested. They all CONFESSED.


I'm not out to get her. She seemed nice. She's young. Phony as shit, but she seemed somewhat likeable.  I'm seriously not trying to send her to prison. But I have no choice. If I'm going to be tortured like this, just because Steven Rand GOT CAUGHT, and she's helping to make it happen, she's going to prison. I wasn't even trying to have Steven Rand arrested. Michael Bedard & Lauren Noether....yep. Not even Jon Izzo or John Turner. I'm seriously not trying. My actions are to defend myself from y'all. Don't tell me I'm going to have to allow this to happen to me. I'm going to guarantee y'all are going to prison, no matter what happens to me. Whatever. Can't undo everything they've done to me. Damn, sometimes I'm like...super smart. Solomon is going to prison though. No matter what. He's going to prison because HE'S THAT DISGUSTING.

We all hear my message I left for Dr. Rohlehr?

Then there's the one where I emailed him the audio and my explanation. So, where's the confusion? Identify Steven Rand as all the law enforcement he impersonated before I allegedly committed this "wiretapping" If he is who he said he was, and matches EVERYTHING THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DA'S OFFICE GAVE TO MY PUBLIC DEFENDER TO MAIL TO ME, then I can take a plea. Happily be evaluated. But if he IS NOT who he claimed he was, or have ID to match everything Attorney scumbag Meg Stanley mailed to me....then I am a victim of a serious crime. Steven Rand's ID is always going to be a problem for ALL OF THEM. He's going to put them ALL in prison . Steven made me laugh though. Under different circumstances, I'm pretty sure I would have liked him as a person.

Docket 1601CR6216 is evidence connected to the Murders of John & Geraldine Magee

I have a following, not a following like Mike has. A lot of people have heard me, though. Everyone knows what's happening to me. And they're actually witnessing what transpired before the Magees were murdered. Not the identical situation, but definitely the identical criminal activity, committed by the same heathens I know, right? I have a following. So I was told the other night. People tell me they're afraid for me. This is my representation. This.... Well, they may as well go full criminal on me. They're going to prison.  

Im going to keep documenting

We sure about that warrant? Criminals like Mass State Police Sgt Bob LaBarge and loser criminals like Boston Police Det Dave Cataldo will eventually go to prison. Whatever these Fleabags have planned for me, I don't even care. They're going to go to prison no matter what. I'll most likely be murdered like Steven Rand promised, but they'll have to answer for it. I already know the outcome will be bad for me. Eventually they'll have to account for all the evidence I gave them. There's record of it. Until the end, I'm going to keep telling everyone what they've done. They murdered at least 6 human beings. I was supposed to be one of their victims. That's how I know. Warrant Management System. Means someone had to enter it in. So that means there has to be a court order. Which has to be signed by a judge. Send your grimy scumbag lawyers. Scumbag murderer drug dealing cops...y'all are documented criminals and obviously, I can't defend m

Attorney Meg Stanley, South Boston

Skank is going to prison

Probation Department at Boston Municipal Court

John Turner & little Jon Izzo don't like being called out on their criminal behavior. Awww. Well, that's too bad. Criminals.

Hey MEG!!!

What did the Suffolk County ADA say when you asked if they were lying about all those law enforcement titles??