We all hear my message I left for Dr. Rohlehr?
Then there's the one where I emailed him the audio and my explanation.
So, where's the confusion? Identify Steven Rand as all the law enforcement he impersonated before I allegedly committed this "wiretapping"
If he is who he said he was, and matches EVERYTHING THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DA'S OFFICE GAVE TO MY PUBLIC DEFENDER TO MAIL TO ME, then I can take a plea. Happily be evaluated.
But if he IS NOT who he claimed he was, or have ID to match everything Attorney scumbag Meg Stanley mailed to me....then I am a victim of a serious crime.
Steven Rand's ID is always going to be a problem for ALL OF THEM.
He's going to put them ALL in prison. Steven made me laugh though. Under different circumstances, I'm pretty sure I would have liked him as a person.
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