
Showing posts from November, 2018

Lots of searches for me

Well, maybe the feds will finally help me & Michael Gill. Just fascinated how so  many are interested in what  have to say. Sick of this bullshit. Criminals exposed themselves, only thing I've been addressing is...NONE of these criminals would be allowed to continuously attack me if the feds did their jobs

Federal Witness Tampering via docket 1601CR6216

So, a year ago, I asked for the signed default warrant I was arrested on. I was "told" I was arrested on a default warrant issued by Judge Michael Coyne out of BMC Central on 10/21/16. There was no summons served for me to appear. I haven't even seen a copy of the summons. So, I was unlawfully arrested. None of this should be taking place at all. I'm branded as a material witness and I'm being retaliated against out of BMC Central, Docket 1601CR6216 But as we can see from Jillise McDonough's letter dated 11/2/18.....they're still threatening me and attacking me. I reported them to the US Attorneys Office, but it's been a long time so I stopped waiting for them to help me. I just kept record that I did beg for help.

What's wrong with this letter?

What's wrong with the letter Attorney Jillise McDonough emailed to me on Sunday, 11/4/18? On October 30, 2018 Jillise McDUHnough says she received a call from Suffolk County ADA Brian Spring where he told her he acknowledged I did call him and left him a voicemail telling him, I was withdrawing 'my' Motion to dismiss, which was filed FOUR WHOLE MONTHS PRIOR, on an unlawful arrest. No default warrant was ever issued for my arrest on 10/21/16. When Jillise wrote stuff like...."YOUR MOTION" and "filing a motion to withdraw as your standby counsel" acknowledging I was a pro se defendant, then add in no time did the Suffolk County DAs Office contact me to inform me that they were going to have me falsely incarcerated a third time, in spite of being well aware of the 1st & 2nd false arrests, all the while refusing to give me a copy of the Court's file. Well thanks to failed attorneys like Jillise McDonough, Bill Walsh, Meg Stanley, Richa

Public Defenders out of Boston were prosecuting me for the COMMONWEALTH, Docket 1601CR610216

As we can see from Attorney Jillise McDonough's letter to me, she was a "stand by" counsel. I am a pro se defendant and waived my right to counsel on 3/20/18 & again on 7/11/18...when the 7th Attorney got called out on openly lying to me. This scumbag threatened me with being falsely arrested a THIRD TIME. Four months the Suffolk County DAs Office refused to communicate with me. I've been requesting a copy of the Commonwealth's charges against me, because branding me on Mass Most Wanted is just evidence against them for setting me up. I filed a motion to dismiss because there was no warrant for my arrest, even though it says so on Mass Most Wanted. That's a lie and I have Attorney Brad Stanton's confession on that. So, according to Attorney McDuhnough, the ADA Brian Spring called her and threatened me with being arrested on a default warrant if I didn't show up in court. They just didn't tell me. So they were setting me up for a 3rd false